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How to Re-use and Recycle single use plastics on the yard. Read down below!

Updated: Aug 2, 2022

Ways to re-use and recycle plastics around the yard

We all want to do our part for the environment reducing the amount of single use plastics we use or trying to find them another purpose before they enter our planet harming creatures great and small. There are many ways we can re-use our spray bottles, shaving bags and empty supplement containers. So here are some ideas:

We all have a yard bin or bin bag, sometimes even a pile of rubbish of old shaving bags, feed bags, medicine sashes, baling twine and more! Using plastic shavings or haylage bags instead of buying bin bags is a great way to save money and use them up as we seem to collect so many as equestrians. These can also be repurposed to cover hay or transport it or to cover feed that may be soaking to prevent rats or mice getting to your horses’ dinner. Bread bags from home are good bin bags for your kitchen and feed room as well!

Buying refills for spray bottles and added supplements for feed can save on plastic scoops, bottles, nozzles, and plastic tubs. These refills can be cheaper also and can be found in tack stores.

Plastic feed buckets can be reused for hoof picking buckets to keep your yard clean or tidy and to give them a second purpose. Or old water buckets for skip buckets whether or not they have a crack or a broken handle.

If you liked this and want me to do more ways to recycle plastic or other yard equipment, don’t forget to follow my Instagram and subscribe to keep up with every episode as well as email me some suggestions to things you want to know at or leave me a line down below.

Bye for now!

The Equestrian Blogger

Instagram: the.equestrian.blogger

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