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It is well known that horses are not cheap. Here are 6 easy ways you can save money for horses

Updated: Aug 2, 2022

6 easy ways to save money for horses

Now it is known that the hobby of horses is not cheap. Whether you own, loan, or ride a pony. The equipment for riding, rugs, stable goods, food, hay, toys, stable facilities, arena hires, riding lessons, competitions, etc. It all adds up.

My dream one day would be to loan a pony and eventually own one of my own. Here are some ways that you can save money overtime to pay for your horsey expenses:

Do Chores

It is the dreaded job for young children and teenagers but doing regular chores to help around the house can help you save as well. Negotiate with your parents how much money you are able to get for doing a certain activity from hoovering or washing up and collect the money in a jar or tub.

Set Targets

Setting targets can keep you on track to continue saving up. Give yourself a reasonable target that you are able to reach and set a deadline. For example, you may want to save £30 for a new pair of breeches and have given yourself the deadline to save it in 2 weeks. It isn’t the end of the world if you don’t achieve your target amount in the time you set yourself or when you would have liked to have saved it, but they do help you stay on track.

Have a small job alongside life

This is for the teenagers who are at school still. Getting a job can not only teach you life skills but also gives you a small income that you can use for your horse riding hobby. I understand that these kinds of jobs don’t pay you the biggest wages in the world however all contributions to the pot always help!

Spend consciously elsewhere

If you like buying the newest trainers which have just been released or an expensive designer handbag all of these items take money out of the bank and your savings account that you were trying to save figures in to spend on horses. Don’t stop yourself from not treating you to something that you deserve, but make a conscious effort to think about the knock-on effect that it could have on your saving plan.

Buy in bulk

This one is if you already own or contribute to the costs of a horse that you loan. Buying things such as haylage and bedding in bulk whether it is going to last you a month or even a year is a lot cheaper. This comes with some spray bottled lotions and potions. It is easier to buy larger amounts of molasses and sprays or refills than it is to buy smaller bottles.

Look after your things

You don’t realise how long things last if you look after them so store your mucking out equipment in a dry and weather proof area so it doesn’t go rusty, clean your boots so they last longer, keep tack and feed rooms tidy and organised so you know where everything is instead of buying more when you just can’t find something, repair holes in rugs as soon as to prevent them from getting bigger, etc. All these things can save money without you even knowing.

Save every penny

Lastly, accumulate all spare change. Collect any spare pennies that you find under the sofa or on the street and put it in a jar. Once that jar gets full, take it to the bank and cash it in for money to save immediately or to go into a savings account to pay of your vet bills that your horses seem to like giving to you regularly.

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Thanks for reading and I’ll speak to you all next time. Bye!

The Equestrian Blogger

Instagram: @the.equestrian.blogger

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