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  • Writer's pictureThe Equestrian Blogger

Welcome to my new series: Come Ride with me! This is episode 1 of many. Enjoy!

Updated: Aug 2, 2022

Come riding with me! Episode 1

Welcome to my new series of blogs. This is where I share my highs and lows of riding from past and present experiences. I am using this to document my journey as well as show that not everything is always picture perfect.

On the Sunday 24th July 2022, I had one of the best lessons ever. I rode a horse that I have never ridden before, and it was like I was in a dream. After a disheartening lesson previous to this one, I was more nervous about riding this pony that I probably would have been normally.

But, prior to getting into all the details, let me tell you all about the mare that now has a massive place in my heart:

This is Dolly. She is a fly-bitten/ flea-bitten grey mare who is around 15-15.1hh. I am led to believe that she is in her prime age (mid-teens). Dolly is a riding school schoolmistress. She is a legend and can take me lots of places. I hope to make some memories with her!


At the beginning and on my way to the yard, I felt excited but also rather nervous. I am not the most confident of riders and therefore often struggle with things that are ever so slightly out of my comfort zone. Luckily, my lesson was booked with my favourite instructor who has taught me lots and brought me far.

After discussing and learning a little bit more about her personality, I hoped on. I was informed that she should only be ridden with a short whip as she doesn’t like anything touching her bum, she is nippy so has to have her head held when doing up her girth, she does not like any other ponies, and is sometimes a bit lazy.

Working on transitions and making sure I was comfortable; our lesson went on. Together, we did serpentines and circles. I practised some sitting trot too! Then it was time to canter and let me tell you it was like sitting on an elegant, white cloud. I often tense up and end up bouncing (which is something I consistently work on due to the fact that bad riding causes back problems for them and is generally uncomfortable) but I trusted her so much and relaxed, I went with it.

Dolly is brilliant because she knows her job and she knows how to do it and that is to teach riders what they are doing wrong and behave for them when they are doing right. Her way of showing you this is to pin her ears back. This is her way of telling you that there is something you need to practise. I like this side of her because it is kind and also educational since you learn how to feel and read their body language.

She does have a big sense of humour and she is grateful for pats and cuddles. One thing that she did do – which was rather naughty – was to stop mid canter transition to sniff another pony’s poo resulting in me going forward and staying on. This proved that my balance and seat has gradually improved. It just made me laugh though and apparently it is something she does all the time!

I look forward to improving my position and ability with this mare. Since she can do it all, I will be able to stick with her for a while too.

I would love to know if you liked this sort of thing so let me know down below. Email blog suggestions to: Subscribe to never miss a new blog and follow my Instagram because I am active over on there on a daily basis. Let me know what you thought of the first episode in my new series. Thank you so much for reading!


The Equestrian Blogger

Instagram: @the.equestrian.blogger

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