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  • Writer's pictureThe Equestrian Blogger

Read all about my equestrian bestie who helped me get my confidence back and supported me throughout

Updated: Aug 2, 2022

The Equestrian Bestie

I went through a very rough patch in my riding journey where I lost all confidence in myself, trust in any pony I was riding, and every bit of self-belief I had ever had. If it wasn’t for the best friend I speak to regularly, I wouldn’t have found the spoonful of belief still left deep inside me, built confidence back, had the opportunity to give advice to others in a sticky mess, started blogging to the internet about it all, and be able to improve in horse riding for the first time in over a year!

And that kind person’s name is Kya.

Kya loans a 15hh, Trotter Cross Gelding named Sunny. She is an inspirational lady who is full of positivity even when times are difficult for her or someone close by.

Over the two years I have ridden, I have made some amazingly supportive friends who have made my equestrian journey incredible. If it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t be where I am today because of their belief in me. Having someone who isn’t judgemental and doesn’t compliment the things that went terrible or looked horrific makes a world of a difference.

Kya's horse Sunny

The definition of a friend is: a person who has a strong trust in another person, someone who isn’t an enemy or a foe, and a person who helps and supports.

They should give advice when you feel like you need it, be willing to help, etc. Horses are not easy, horse riding is a tricky skill, its dangerous, and many people within the equestrian community are unfortunately nasty individuals as Kya herself has experienced.

Point is, everyone deserves an equestrian best friend. Someone who understands a horses, how difficult they can be, someone who’s experiences could help you, someone you can learn new things alongside/ with…

Please be nice, please support, please be there for others if they fall off, are struggling in horse riding, going through something you have witnessed through your own eyes.

I would just like to say a massive thank you to Kya. You haven’t only been there for me but many others I know. Words can’t describe how much of a difference you have made to my life that evolves around ponies. Thanks for featuring!

If you would like to tell me about your equestrian bestie email me at: or DM me: @the.equestrian.blogger. Follow my Instagram to keep up to date or subscribe so you never miss a new blog. Leave me a line for feedback on this post or a previous.

Follow Kya and Sunny’s journey on their Instagram: @kya_equestrian

Thanks to Kya, and you for reading!


The Equestrian Blogger

Instagram: @the.equestrian.blogger

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